Why do we ask you to cut up your faulty product?Updated 9 months ago
Our friendly Customer Experience Team aims to resolve reported issues as quickly as possible.
Most claims under the guarantee can be resolved without returning the product back to us, as this speeds up the process, increasing customer satisfaction.
(We will ask for a return if it is a repeated fault or multiple items).
We will ask you to destroy the product, to take the faulty item out of circulation.
The cut-up product can still be taken to clothes/fabric recycling.
If you prefer for us to do this in-house, then this is always an option for UK customers and we can offer a freepost label.
(We will always try to repurpose or donate items which are returned back to us, to the best of our ability)
Once we have seen that the product is destroyed we will either replace it (if purchased from Sealskinz.com) or provide a credit note/code to the value of the original (if purchased via a retailer)
We are unable to offer a replacement/credit in advance of destruction/product return.