How long will UK delivery take?Updated 4 months ago
Your delivery time will differ based on the delivery option you select at the checkout.
See the information below to find out our estimated delivery times. We aim to dispatch your order as quickly as possible but please note it can take 1 to 2 business days at busy times of year.
Delivery | Price | Free Delivery Minimum Spend | Estimate Delivery Time (Working Days) |
Royal Mail - Tracked 48 | £2.95 | £30 | 3 - 5 |
Royal Mail - Tracked 24 | £4.95 | N/A | 2 - 3 |
DPD | £5.95 | N/A | 1 - 2 |
* All delivery times are estimated and may be subject to delays due to weather/accidents/incidents/local events.
Please note that Royal Mail 24 and 48 Tracked are equivalent to 1st and 2nd Class mail services and are not guaranteed.